2008년 10월 4일 토요일

David Friedman

Harvard University, B.A., 1965 (Chemistry and Physics)
University of Chicago, M.S., 1967 (Physics), PhD., 1971 (Physics)

Santa Clara University, Professor of Law, 1995-
University of Chicago Law School, John M. Olin Faculty Fellow, 1986- 1993,1994- 1995
Cornell Law School, Visiting Professor, 1993-1994
Tulane University , A. B. Freeman School of Business, Associate Professor, 1983- 1986
UCLA, Dept of Economics, Assistant Professor, 1980-1983
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Assistant Professor of Economics, 1976- 1980
University of Pennsylvania School of Public and Urban Policy, Post Doctoral fellow and Lecturer
Columbia University, Research Associate, Physics, 1971-1973

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